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podcast in english

Episode 181: Chileno viviendo y estudiando en Holanda

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Episode 181: Chileno viviendo y estudiando en Holanda

¿Alguna vez has sentido curiosidad por saber cómo es estudiar y vivir en Holanda? En este episodio 181 de tu podcast favorito, Coffee with gringos, seguimos a un Chileno que estudió música y vivió en Holanda, también compartirá sus pensamientos sobre las diferencias culturales entre Chile y Holanda. No te pierdas esta inspiradora historia de un Chileno que vivio y estudió en el extranjero! 😲

Read the full transcript here:

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Episode 180: Chilena Gringa viviendo en más de 5 países alrededor del mundo


Episode 180: Chilena Gringa viviendo en más de 5 países alrededor del mundo

¡Hola amigos! En este episodio de Coffee with gringos Episodio 180, hablaremos de una inspiradora Chilena que actualmente ha vivido en más de 5 países. Hablaremos de su viaje y de los desafíos que enfrentó en el camino. También exploraremos las experiencias culturales únicas que encontró en cada lugar y el consejo que tiene para otros que están buscando hacer movimientos similares. Siéntate, relájate y disfruta de la conversación: ¡No querrás perderte esta historia!

Read the full transcript here:


Episode 179: Cosas extrañas de gringos en Chile


Episode 179: Cosas extrañas de gringos en Chile

En este video, exploramos las cosas más extrañas de Chile según los extranjeros. Hablaremos de Jesse y Brittany sobre sus experiencias en Chile y lo que más les llamó la atención. Ya sea la cocina, la cultura, la gente u otra cosa, e incluso TERREMOTOS! Hablaremos de los aspectos únicos y sorprendentes de vivir en Chile. También escucharemos qué consejos tienen para aquella gente que quiera venir a Chile. Si tienes curiosidad por conocer Chile, ¡No te pierdas este vídeo!.

Read the full transcript here:


Episode 178: Explorando la cultura en EEUU y SUDAFRICA


Episode 178: Explorando la cultura en EEUU y SUDAFRICA

Acompáñanos en el episodio número 178 de Coffee with gringos mientras exploramos las culturas de Estados Unidos y Sudáfrica.

Discutiremos las similitudes y diferencias entre los dos países y sus respectivas culturas. Jesse y Brittany son expertos en sus campos, y compartirán sus ideas y perspectivas sobre este fascinante tema.

Quédate con nosotros para disfrutar de una increíble e informativa conversación sobre la cultura en Estados Unidos y Sudáfrica.

Read the full transcript here:


Episode 122: A Breakdown on American Football, the Super Bowl and the Chiefs


Episode 122: A Breakdown on American Football, the Super Bowl and the Chiefs

The Super Bowl—the annual championship game of American football in the United States—is happening this Sunday between the Kansas City Chiefs (Ian’s favorite team!) and the Tampa Bay Buccaneers in a showdown to find out which team will be crowned champions.

And while it’s the most important and popular sport in the United States, American football is mostly unknown or misunderstood everywhere else in the world. Even though the rules can be complicated, it’s a dynamic and entertaining sport to watch either on TV or live in the stadium.

Join us in today’s podcast as we explain everything about American football from halftime and pizza to touchdowns and timeouts.

Read the full transcript on our website:


Episode 119: Historic and Violent Break-In at the U.S. Capitol


Episode 119: Historic and Violent Break-In at the U.S. Capitol

Only six days into the new year, we watched in horror as violent, Trump-supporting protesters forced their way into the US Capitol building after President Trump’s public speech encouraging them to stop Congress from finalizing the Electoral College results and democracy from taking place.

The historic coup-attempt resulted in hours of destruction, looting, and the deaths of five people before it all ended with Congress still proceeding to finalize the election results.

Will President Trump be held responsible for his actions or will he be able to avoid accountability as we have seen throughout his entire presidency?

Join us for today’s episode as we discuss the details of the US Capitol riots and what possible consequences it might have moving forward.

Read the full transcript and vocabulary guide here:


Episode 115: COVID Updates From Argentina, Brazil to the U.S.


Episode 115: COVID Updates From Argentina, Brazil to the U.S.

As vaccines for COVID-19 have started to roll out in different parts of the world these last two weeks, the thought of terminating this deadly disease and returning to our normals lives is giving many hope as we near the end of a long and dark year.

However, with rising cases, unorganized policies, and limited vaccines available, it’s apparent that our fight against the deadly coronavirus is far from over.

Tune in to today’s episode as CWG gives an update on COVID-19 developments including second waves of infections, vaccine rollouts and Argentina’s coronavirus tax on the wealthy.

Read the full transcript here:


Episode 111: CWG Talks About Dating - Past and Present


Episode 111: CWG Talks About Dating - Past and Present

The rise of social media and technology has changed different aspects of our social interactions, including the way that we romantically date.

Meeting someone and asking them out on a pre-planned date has now been replaced by “liking” photos and swiping left or right on social media and dating apps like Tinder.

Tune into this week’s podcast as we compare dating in the past to the present including catfishing, ghosting, and searching for love in the digital age.

Read the full transcript here:


Episode 97: We Talk All About Chicago With Special Guest, Matt Gutman


Episode 97: We Talk All About Chicago With Special Guest, Matt Gutman

The United States has a lot of big cities that offer plenty of tourist attractions such as New York City, Los Angeles, San Francisco, and Miami. But there’s one big Midwestern city that gets overlooked. This beautiful city located on the shores of Lake Michigan is none other than Chicago.

In today’s episode, we talk with fellow Dynamic English teacher and Chicago native—Matt Gutman—all about the Cubs, deep-dish pizza, and the best music and museums in “The Windy City.”

Read the full transcript to this episode here:


Episode 93: The Importance of sleep


Episode 93: The Importance of sleep

Sleep—it’s something that all of us have to do in order to be able to function properly as humans. Sleep expert, Dr. Matthew Walker, points out that the majority of people do not get the daily recommended amount of sleep leading to bad moods, low energy, weak immune systems, and even serious diseases such as Alzheimer's and Parkinson’s. In today’s podcast, we break down sleep and why it’s so incredibly important for our health.

Lee la transcripción aquí:


Episode 90: Black Lives Matter


Episode 90: Black Lives Matter

As protests against police brutality and racial injustice continue in cities across the United States, the Black Lives Matter movement has come back into center focus after the senseless killing of black man, George Floyd in Minneapolis. In today’s episode, we discuss white privilege, police-protester tensions, and how after centuries of racial discrimination and senseless killings at the hands of police, Black Lives Matter still seeks justice and equality.


Episode 88: False Friends...are you embarrassed or pregnant??


Episode 88: False Friends...are you embarrassed or pregnant??

Have you ever said a word in another language thinking that you know the meaning when actually it means something totally different? As language learners, we’ve all fallen victim to false friends—words that have similar forms in a person's native language, but a different meaning in another language. In today’s podcast, we discuss common false friends between Spanish and English and how to make sure to say that you’re embarrassed instead of pregnant.
