When you come over this afternoon make sure to bring over some snacks so we can run over some of the changes in the report. We really need to get our work over with so we can enjoy the weekend. Are you going to sleep over at your friend’s house tonight?
Today we’re going to discuss some of the most common phrasal verbs that contain the word “over.” So, let’s go over them now!
Do over: a new attempt or opportunity to do something again after a failed attempt
We need to do this report over again.
She insisted that they do everything over since it didn’t turn out how she wanted.
Get over (1): to recover from a misfortune or disappointment (ie death of a loved one,
end of a relationship, sickness, etc)
It took her almost three months to get over losing her job.
He hasn’t quite gotten over his ex-wife yet.
Get something over with (2): to finish something that you don’t want to do, but you need to do
I just want to get the test over with so I can relax.
They got the final report over with so they could enjoy the rest of the weekend.
Bring over: to take someone or something from one location to another location.
I brought over lasagna dinner after his surgery.
I’ll bring him over to your house before we go out to dinner.
Come over: to move from one place to another or move towards someone or something.
Are you coming over for a drink tomorrow night?
Come over to our place!
Fall over: to fall onto the ground or fall over something or someone
He fell over the dog and twisted his ankle.
The vase fell off the table when the earthquake started.
Be over: to finish or to come to an end
The movie starts at seven o’clock and will be over by nine o’clock.
If we don’t hurry to party will be over by the time we get there.
Talk something over: to discuss a problem or plan in order to reach a decision or an agreement
He always likes to talk things over with his close friends before he makes a big decision.
Let’s talk it over with the rest of the family to see what they think.
Pull over: to move off the road or to the side of the road (usually in reference to a car or bike)
I pulled over to the side of the road when my engine started to smoke.
The police officer pulled him over for speeding.
Run over (1): to drive over someone or something with a vehicle (car, bike, skateboard, etc)
He accidently ran over the squirrel with his car.
Run over (2): to read or practice something quickly
I need to run over my notes before I do my presentation.
Take over: to take or begin to have control of something
The business has been taken over by a much larger company.
She took over the CEO position last month.
Sleep over: to spend the night at someone else’s home other than your own (noun: sleepover)
The kids are so to sleep over at Pablo’s house this Friday!
She slept over two nights in a row because of the snow storm.
Go over or look over (1): to check or examine something
We need to go over the plan before we implement it.
I got a good grade because I went over my notes before the test.
Go over (to…) (2): to move from one location to another location (ie crossing an area: room, city, town, etc)
She went over to the other side of the room to be closer to the window.
They went over to the east coast from the west coast on their road trip.
Go over (3): for something or someone to be received in a certain way
He was hoping his proposal would go over well with this coworkers.
Unfortunately, my apology didn’t go over very well with Alicia.
Over the: reference to a specific duration of time (synonym: during)
What did you do over the weekend?
I relaxed a lot over the holiday break
(Photo Credit: https://www.cheapsnowgear.com/blogs/reviews/best-snowboards)
Written by Monica Jones