“As I told you before, I want to study with Dynamic English just like you!”
Dos palabras que suelen ser confundidas en el idioma inglés debido a su similitud son “like” y “as”, pues en español estas palabras se traducen a ‘como’. A continuación, te explicaremos cada una de ellas y cuáles son las diferencias entre sí.
Let’s face it…not all of us are able to just get up and move to an English-speaking country in order to fully immerse ourselves and improve our language skills. Luckily, that’s not necessary. There are several simple steps you can take in order to use English on a regular basis without even leaving your home or city where you currently live. It can be as simple as implementing English into your daily reading, Netflix series, or technological device. Here are few tips to help you get started with your English immersion process.
Jobs. Some of us love our jobs, many of us are comfortable with what we do, and others of us are feeling a need to change our current place of employment. If you’re part of the last group, then here are some tips to update your cover letter so you can start working towards making a career change.