Alright, everybody, it’s time to talk about our feelings. Sometimes, saying you’re happy, sad, or angry just isn’t descriptive enough! There are many alternate adjectives and idioms to more accurately express specific emotions.                            

Different ways to say you’re…



  • Content - pleased and satisfied

  • Pleased - happy or satisfied

  • Delighted - very happy


  • To be on cloud nine

    • Example: The team was on cloud nine after winning the championship

  • To be happy as a clam

    • Example: The child was happy as a clam at her birthday party

  • To be on top of the world

    • Example: I'm on top of the world after hearing about my promotion

  • To be a happy camper

    • Example: The sun is out, and it's the first day of vacation. I'm a happy camper.



  • Miserable - extremely sad

  • Unhappy - not happy or satisfied

  • Disappointed - feeling sad or unhappy because something didn't meet your expectations.

  • Upset - emotionally disturbed *can be used with sad or angry


  • To feel blue - to feel sad

    • Example: My partner and I recently broke up, and I'm feeling blue.

  • Down in the dumps - to be in a sad mood.

    • Example: She failed her last two tests, so she's down in the dumps.

  • Torn up - very sad, devastated.

    • Example: The man was torn up after his mother passed away.



  • Upset - emotionally disturbed *can be used with angry or sad

  • Furious - very, very angry


  • To be fed up - angry about something that has continued for a long time

    • Example: I'm fed up with the traffic in this city.

  • To lose one's temper - to lose control and get angry

    • Example: If he keeps bothering me, I'm going to lose my temper.



  • Exhausted - extremely tired.

  • Drained - physically or emotionally exhausted

  • Sleepy - ready to fall asleep


  • To be beat - completely tired.

    • Example: After the week-long conference, I was beat.

  • To be out of steam - to have no more energy

    • Example: It's been a long, busy week. I'm out of steam.

  • To be burnt out - when your enthusiasm and energy for something is gone.

    • Example: I've worked at this company for five years, and I'm completely burnt out.

  • To be worn out - physically or emotionally exhausted

    • Example: After working 12 hours today, I'm worn out.



  • Ill - not in good health

  • Unwell - not in good health

  • Lousy - somewhat ill


  • To be under the weather - when you feel a little sick or unwell.

    • Example: I'm feeling under the weather this morning. I woke up with a little sore throat.

  • To be sick as a dog - when you feel very, very sick

    • Example: I've been in bed for three days now. I'm sick as a dog.



  • Anxious - extreme worry or nervousness

  • Worried - feeling concern about what is happening or might happen.

  • Concerned - feeling worried.

  • Tense - nervous, particularly in suspenseful situations.


  • To be on pins and needles - to feel nervous anticipation

    • Example: She was on pins and needles waiting for the results of her big exam.

  • To have butterflies in your stomach - to feel nervous anticipation. *This idiom can also be used when talking about love or excitement.

    • Example: He had butterflies in his stomach before their first date.

  • To be a bundle of nerves - a very nervous person

    • Example: I'm giving a really important presentation at work tomorrow, and I'm a bundle of nerves.


Written by Mariah Wika
